Correction of misattributed feature "80°c Self Temp Limiting"
In an earlier version of this site, it was incorrectly posted that it (indicating the JP40 indirectly) had over temp protection baked in to the cell design. This was and unintentional mistake that shouldn't have made it past the site design the brainstorming session.
The source of this error is another cell that is very similar to the JP40 with the same ah and similar wh. This cell will be covered in the next article and will be linked at the end of this one, we are calling it the AM04.
The claimed over temp self limiting is untested by our team.
The way this protection is supposed to work in the AM04 is by utilizing a novel cell chemistry. It limits power delivery by increasing the cell IR from around 3mOhms at 65c to around 9mOhms at 80c.
This temp limiting will not prevent energy from leaving the cell, but in situations where the voltage impacts the power delivery it will be noticeable.
We apologize for this error and are working to improve our publication accuracy.
We don't recommend running any cell over it's rated values or fully relying on one safety measure.