Enthusiast Testing
Battery Mooch
He's posted many of his findings about the JP40 in his Patreon, Including direct comparison data to the Molicel p50b
Battery Mooch Patreon
He's posted many of his findings about the JP40 in his Patreon, Including direct comparison data to the Molicel p50b and JP40 100 cycle test.
Mooch Post Directory
(Links below require $2 Subscription to view)
LT22710a Comparison to Ampace Branded Cell
JP40 100 Cycles at 30a Discharge
100A Test Ampace JP40 VS Molicel p50b
40a Test Ampace JP40 vs Molicel p50b
JP40 vs Eve 40PL Spiral Differences
JP40 After Being Shorted for 5 Days
JP40 first to arrive with spiral negative tab
Martin Musial
Professional background in data acquisition, testing batteries as a hobby.
JP40 VS p42a vs p45b vs 50s
Step test:
18 amps 10 sec
17 amps 12 sec
16 amps 15 sec
15 amps 20 sec
14 amps 30 sec
13 amps 60 sec
Martin Musial
Thermal Testing from the above step test to 18a.
You can see the JP40 doesn't mind the load, barely warming up.